Benefits of Whey Protein For Weight Loss Or Weight Gain

Whey protein supplements have been around for many years now, originally classed as bodybuilding supplements. Whey protein supplements started off as unmixable, foul tasting protein powders, but have improved drastically to a point now where they taste great and can be mixed with a fork / blender / shaker cup in 10-20 seconds. More recently whey protein supplements have been classed as sports supplements and over the last couple of years, whey protein has been receiving a lot of positive press about how it can boost the immune system and help weight loss or support lean muscle growth resulting in weight gain. As Director of the company behind Promart Supplements, I can tell you that whey protein supplements CAN help weight loss or weight gain, and I will explain below. Weight Loss Your body weight is controlled by your calorie intake, not protein. If you consume a calorific deficit for long enough you will lose weight because you will be using more energy than you are taking in. But, ...