
Showing posts from October, 2020

Which Protein Shake Is The Best - Whey, Casein, Genus?

Protein is an essential building block for muscle tissue. In fact the human muscle cell is made up for mostly simple protein fragments called amino acids. Amino acids are molecules that are arranged to make various types of protein molecules. Protein is a generic term that means an arrangement of these amino acids, bound together. The body can make any kind of protein it needs out of amino acids, but it needs a strong pool in which to gather the necessary amino acid fragments. Proteins from the diet supply the body with these essential and non-essential amino acids, which are broken down in the stomach and then rearranged at a cellular level to create proteins needed for cellular and muscle growth. All o ptimum whey protein   isn't the same however. Each protein type has its own amino acid make up and quality. Meaning, that different amounts of the 22 amino acids make up each protein type. This is important because the quality of the protein largely depends on its amino acid make u...