Muscletech Supplements | Muscle Gainer Protein | Protein Powder for Muscle Gain | Muscle Nation Legacy

Let me clear the air about supplements and all their flashy advertisements before I go on to tell you which kind of supplements would help take you closer to your aims and in this article I'll be focusing particularly on Muscle Gainer Protein since this is what most people are going for. Firstly, let me drill the fact into you that you will not become Ronnie Coleman just by taking BSN supplements or similarly Jay Cutler if you use muscletech supplements . Such bodybuilders are full time athletes dedicating their life to the sport itself, not to mention the fact that they are genetically so gifted in this specific department. Secondly, do not ever think of such supplements as meal replacements/substitutes. Even though your supplement might contain more protein/carbohydrates than in your normal food intake diet, do NOT think of it as a meal replacement. If you ever do, you're just wasting the world's supply of bodybuilding supplements. Alright, so what kind of supplements ...