What is the Difference Between Whey Protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate?

First of all, Natural Whey Protein Powder is not a standardized commodity. There aren't any strict rules that apply to terminology. The protein composition of various products varies a great deal depending on how the product is processed and the type of whey from which it is derived. Generally speaking though, total protein percentage by weight determines whether a powder is referred to as a concentrate or an isolate. Protein percentage of isolate is 90% or better. Concentrate is less than 90%. Which one is better? It all depends on the reason why you are using whey. In this article, we concentrate on using whey protein rule1 for the purpose of glutathione supplementation. As was stated above, the protein composition varies greatly. Generally, speaking, though isolate tends to be depleted of higher molecular weight proteins such as immunoglobulins and bovine serum albumin. The protein should also be undenatured. That means, it is processed gently so as to preserv...